Vision for Co-production

"Our vision for co-production in Scotland is that all people are valued and supported to meaningfully participate in shaping and delivering services, building and strengthening their communities, and creating change.”

The vision was developed by network members at a series of events to understand what we want to achieve using co-production. We use the vision to help guide our work and support co-production across Scotland.

How the vision was developed

Participants were invited to view a gallery of vision statements collected throughout the process so far. Working in small groups, participants discussed who the vision should be for, what it might look like, and how it could be used.  Each group came up with a collective statement building on what they had viewed, which were shared and discussed as a whole group to take us one step closer to a final vision statement.

 The group statements:

  1. A society where citizens are supported to meaningfully share and participate at all levels of service provision (diagram: from ‘bottom up’ to putting communities at the top)

  2. All people are included equally in making our communities better places to live (for us, by us, with us)

  3. Scotland is where we value, connect and invest with people to change attitudes and share power

  4. All citizens have the space, place and time to share their services, build their communities and create change
